*There are a variety of Ancient Paths Seminars available such as Blessing Generations, Overcoming Anger, Empowering Relationships, etc. Family Church hosts Bud & Cheryl Sabean lead these seminars at least once per year. If you are interested in learning more, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you and let you know when the next one is being held. 

In the Blessing Generations Seminar (usually a Friday night and Saturday), Craig Hill teaches on video about the seven critical times in life that God intended us to receive the blessing in order to establish identity and destiny for our lives. The teaching and small group ministry times in this weekend experience will give you great revelation about your own life, impact your relationships with your own children and provide a time where God can restore what you never received.

Each Ancient Paths Experience is a balanced ministry of Biblical teaching based upon Jeremiah 6:16, followed by Spirit-led praying in small groups. The sessions give solid principles and moving examples that open the heart up for ministry to receive healing from a cursed identity and to bring revelation and resolution to many negative life issues and habits. The intent of the teaching is not just for cognitive information, but to provide the opportunity for God to touch the heart with authentic life change.

In these weekend experiences, when a teaching session ends, participants go to an assigned small group for prayer led by trained facilitators. The purpose of the group is not discussion, counseling, or exhorting, but for asking the Holy Spirit to show participants where the soul is out of peace, to expose any schemes of the enemy, and to allow the Lord to show the truth and light that He wants in our hearts. Participants may pour out emotional pain to God that has been bottled up for years, but no one in the group is forced to open up in prayer. Those who do not respond outwardly often receive healing as they identify with those who do.

The end result of this ministry is that people are healed and released to be spouses, parents, children and friends who bless one another more and curse each other less. The purpose of this ministry is to restore God’s timeless foundations to families by facilitating God’s process of imparting identity and destiny to His people and to reestablish a culture of blessing within the church and community so that God may receive his full inheritance in the saints (Eph 1:18).