Your generosity is changing lives!
Simple and secure giving. Give one-time or schedule recurring giving using the options below.

You will be taken to the tithely giving form by clicking the button below for all *credit card transactions only as they do not accept CDN debit card transactions. Apologies!

However, you CAN e-transfer now using:

Please copy and paste to ensure the correct address is used. Thank you for your patience as we connect and learn new to make online giving an option for our church. Bless you! 

GIVE by clicking HERE

Church Giving

Wallet Free & Ultra Fast
For additional help with & useful resource link and step by step video, please head to our Home page and scroll to the bottom of the page. Thank you for your patience!

*** note: If you are trying to add a debit card, it must be the new format with a security code and expiration date.